COVID-19 Risk Assessment
September 2021
To prevent the risk of spreading infection and to minimise danger to everyone I am continuing with the following procedures in place throughout the setting.
- If your child becomes unwell while they are here, they will need to be collected as soon as possible. Please make sure your emergency contacts are up to date and do not include any vulnerable people that will not be able to collect.
- Please remember if your child has any of the symptoms of Covid-19 please follow the government guidelines and self-isolate.
- Could I please ask parents to not enter the cabin and drop their child at the door. The less people entering the easier it will be to prevent the virus spreading.
- On arrival the children will be asked to use hand sanitiser or wash their hands if they would rather.
- The children will be taught the importance of through handwashing and shown how to do this effectively. A timer is above the sink to ensure they spend long enough doing it. Please could you help by encouraging their handwashing at home.
- Children will be reminded not to touch their faces; please could you also do this at home.
- Boxes of tissues will be within easy reach and the children encouraged to use them of catching coughs and sneezes.
- We will play outside as much as possible with activities set up outside.
- All areas and toys will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day and the end of the day.
- Messy play activities will be kept within the same small group of children and changed regularly.
- As usual the children will have their own personal towels and cups/bottles.
We will be going out and about and meeting up with others, the children will be encouraged to social distance and sanitise their hands after using any play equipment.
All children who are attending the childcare setting will have access to a rest if they display symptoms of covid-19 and encouraged to get tested in this scenario. The aim is to enable children to get back to childcare. A positive rest will ensure rapid action to protect other children and staff in the setting.
We ask all parents and carers to ensure they organise a test for their child, the in event that they develop Covid-19 symptoms and notify us immediately of a positive test.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.