
I have a number of policies in place to ensure your child's safety whilst in my care.
Please select a policy from this list to view it...

Accident, Incident, and Injury Policy

The safety of your children is paramount and every measure will be taken to ensure they are protected from hurting themselves. However, accidents do happen and the following information details how the incident will be dealt with:

If a child has an accident whilst in my care, I will take appropriate action. Your child will be comforted and reassured. The extent of your child’s injuries will be ascertained and if necessary medical assistance will be called for.

If it is serious enough to need an ambulance I shall ring 999 and when the ambulance is on its way I shall call the parent or carer. I shall travel in the ambulance with the child if possible but if I am currently also caring for other children this may not be possible. If this is the case I will make sure the child is safe and as comfortable as possible with the ambulance staff before leaving them. 

After every accident, even if it is not serious, I will complete an accident form detailing the injuries and exactly how, where and when the accident happened. I shall include any treatment given. I shall ask the parent or carer to sign this form when they collect the child, or if this is not possible at the next time I see them. 

If the incident required any medical treatment I will:

Inform Ofsted
Inform my insurance company
Contact my Local Authority if I need any further advice or support.
Contact the local Social Care and RIDDOR if required. 

If the child is unwell after an accident or they may need medical attention, I will ring the parent or carer to let them know what happened. They can then decide if they want to take the child to see a doctor.

I have a first aid box which is accessible to the children if they need to get it for me. The contents is checked twice a year and recorded. I hold a full paediatric first aid certificate which is updated every three years.

It is important that you keep me informed regarding your child’s condition following an accident and if you have sought additional medical advice or care. 

If you have any concerns regarding this policy, please contact me.

Admissions Policy

As an Ofsted registered Childminder I am restricted to the number and ages of children that I can care for at any one time. These details are on my Ofsted Registration Certificate, which is displayed during my minding hours.

I am registered to care for:

I am happy to take on any baby/child within my registered numbers and will not discriminate against children or their families for reasons such as race, religion, sex or ability. However I would like to make the following statements:

I already drop off/collect children from Nansloe Academy and therefore am unable to collect children from any other school.

I am happy to take on children with special needs providing I feel I can provide them with the care they need (For example I will not be able to provide one to one care or look after a child in a wheelchair, as my home is not suitable). If your child has additional needs please discuss them with me first as I would not want to raise your expectations.

All children will be welcomed into my home and I will encourage the other children in my care to support me with this. I will request a four-week settling in period on our contract, so if you or your child or I am not happy with the arrangement it can be terminated easily. When taking on additional children I must take into consideration the children already in my care who are happy and settled. It would be very unfair on them to introduce a child who was disruptive.

If you have any concerns regarding my admissions policy please do not hesitate to contact me.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

September 2021
Updated January 2024

To prevent the risk of spreading infection and to minimise danger to everyone I am continuing with the following procedures in place throughout the setting.

  • If your child becomes unwell while they are here, they will need to be collected as soon as possible. Please make sure your emergency contacts are up to date and do not include any vulnerable people that will not be able to collect.

  • Please remember if your child has any of the symptoms of Covid-19 please follow the government guidelines and self-isolate.

  • The children will be taught the importance of through handwashing and shown how to do this effectively. A timer is above the sink to ensure they spend long enough doing it. Please could you help by encouraging their handwashing at home.

  • Children will be reminded not to touch their faces; please could you also do this at home.

  • Boxes of tissues will be within easy reach and the children encouraged to use them of catching coughs and sneezes.

  • We will play outside as much as possible with activities set up outside.

  • All areas and toys will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day and the end of the day.

  • Messy play activities will be kept within the same small group of children and changed regularly.

  • As usual the children will have their own personal towels and cups/bottles.

  • We will be going out and about and meeting up with others, the children will be encouraged to social distance and sanitise their hands after using any play equipment.

All children who are attending the childcare setting will have access to a rest if they display symptoms of covid-19 and encouraged to get tested in this scenario. The aim is to enable children to get back to childcare. A positive rest will ensure rapid action to protect other children and staff in the setting.

We ask all parents and carers to ensure they organise a test for their child, the in event that they develop Covid-19 symptoms and notify us immediately of a positive test.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Child in Care Policy

Statement of Intent 
To promote the educational achievement and welfare of children in care. 

To have in place procedures for liaison with the External Agencies so that all aspects of the child’s care are considered. 

A Child in Care may be living: 
With Foster Carers 
In a children’s home 
In a residential school 
With relatives 
With parents (under the supervision of Social Care) 
Under a Police Protection Order 
Under an Emergency Protection Order 

It is therefore imperative that no assumptions are made based on a child’s living arrangements and further information is available through the Corporate Parenting Document. 

I am the designated person responsible for the overall care and wellbeing of Children in Care. 

I understand that if there is a Personal Education Plan and this is a requirement for a Child in Care. I will endeavour to source the Personal Education Plan at the child’s point of admission to the setting and work with relevant agencies to ensure its monitoring and review and within the correct timescales. 

I will promote our services and the ability to meet the additional needs and requirements of a Child in Care. I will use the recommendations in the Key Statistics document to ensure the best provision and service is available and that a Child in Care is not disadvantaged by their parental circumstances. At first point of contact I will discuss and agree the appropriate authorised parental permissions to enable the child to attend. 

I will urgently convene a multi-agency meeting and liaise with the Social Worker and Foster Carer if the child is experiencing difficulties at the setting or is in need of additional support. 

I will ensure the protocol for sharing information about the care and education of Children in Care is established and maintained in line with Cornwall Council policies and procedures. 

Cornwall Children in Care Education Officer Team: - 01872 323104 

Jane Stephens 

Emma Phillips 

Inny Building 
Old County Hall 
Station Road 
Truro, Cornwall 

Climate action plan

I am committed to complying with the DfE requirement to move our early years setting towards net zero by 2050. This means reducing our carbon footprint, embedding sustainability in the curriculum, engaging parents in this aim and working with the local community.

I am working towards the Govt’s sustainability aims by –
• Including elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015) in our curriculum.
• Spending time outside every day, learning about the weather, seasonal changes, planting, growing etc.
• Teaching children how to monitor our carbon footprint in the setting.
• Engaging parents in their children’s sustainability curriculum.
• Working with colleagues to support local community projects.

I recognise that we have a bigger role to play in the Govt’s aim to reach net zero by 2050 and –
• I want to further improve our curriculum.
• I want to reduce our carbon footprint even more and will challenge ,myself to improve our sustainability through a series of audits.
• I want to review how well we share information with parents and improve engagement.
• I am always looking for new projects to get involved in within the local community.

As part of the DfE net zero by 2050 aims the DfE states that early years providers need to write a climate action plan. DfE states that our climate action plan should cover 4 main areas of provision –
• Decarbonisation.
• Adaptation and resilience.
• Biodiversity.
• Climate education and green careers.

Then take each of the 4 main areas of provision and reflect on your commitments, which I share with parents and come back to, updating them as I review your action plan through the year.

I am committed to reducing carbon emissions by, for example –
• Becoming more energy efficient – using LED lightbulbs and turning off lights when we leave the room.
• Turning down heating and wearing socks and jumpers instead.
• Reducing waste and recycling the waste we have made.
• Monitoring and reducing the use of carbon emissions.
• Reducing single use plastic waste and asking parents not to use plastic in lunchboxes.

Adaptation and resilience
I am committed to taking actions to reduce the risk of impact from climate change, for example –
• Teaching children about the world around them.
• Spending time in nature every day.
• Establishing environmentally friendly routines.
• Protecting wildlife in our garden and the local community.
• Managing our water usage and teaching the children to reduce water wastage.

I am engaging with the National Education Nature Park resources and planning activities with the children to teach them about, for example –
• Recycling and collecting waste to compost in our garden.
• Feeding the birds.
• Growing and releasing butterflies.
• Composting and making a wormery.
• Planting in the garden, using collected seeds and recycled plant pots.

Climate education and green careers
I am committed to our children being educated about climate education and given opportunities that will prepare them for learning more about sustainability and life-long learning, for example –
• Learning more about climate change so we can share the information with the children.
• Including more science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) learning in our curriculum.
• Planning monthly activities which teach children about nature and the natural world.
• Teaching the children about sustainable environmental strategies.

Complaints Procedure

I hope that you are happy with the service that I provide, but I appreciate there may be times when I am not offering you and your child the service that you require. I hope that you will feel able to discuss any concerns or issues that you may have with me directly. If you would rather not talk in front of your child then we can arrange a more convenient time, for example in the evening or at the weekend.

If any parent wishes to make a complaint against me or others living on the premises they should put the complaint in writing and immediate action will be taken. Depending on the allegation an investigation will take place and the Local Authority Designated officer and the local Safeguarding Children Board will be informed for guidance within fourteen days. Alternatively, a parent may wish to refer their concerns directly to their local Safeguarding Children Board (relevant telephone numbers are available in the setting) I will also make sure they are aware as soon as I know.

I will inform Ofsted within 14 days of the allegation.

It is a requirement by Ofsted that all complaints are logged along with the outcome and any action taken in accordance with the EYFS Welfare requirements. These records must be available to show an Ofsted Childcare Inspector if required.

If you wish to make a formal complaint then you can contact the Ofsted Complaints and Investigation Unit on 0300 123 4666

I will respond to any complaint within 28 days of the complaint being logged.

All correspondence relating to the complaint will be kept in a file for 3 years.

Piccadilly Gate
South Street
M1 2WD
0300 123 1231

Local Authority Designated Officer
01872 326536

Confidentiality Policy

Any information regarding your child or your family, given to me either verbally or in writing, will be treated as confidential.

Parents will have access to their own child’s records but not to others. All documentation relating to your child is stored in a locked file, which is not accessible to any other party.

I will not discuss your child with others unless I have permission from you. I will however divulge confidential information to Social Services and to Ofsted if I have any concerns that your child is being abused. Please see my Child Protection Policy.

You will also find out confidential information about my family and myself during the course of our working relationship and I would be grateful if you too would respect my family’s confidentiality and not repeat what you may have been told to other parties.

Please see my General Data Protections Regulations Policy and Privacy Notice for information about what data I need, where it is stored and how long for.

If you have any concerns regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact me.

Continuity of Care Policy

In order to provide continuity of care for children in the setting it may be necessary at times to alter ratios from 3 under 5's to 4 under 5's (children not yet in full time school), which is allowed for children already in my care providing I do not go over the overall maximum ratio of 6 in the early years register of 0-8 year olds in the setting at any one time (meaning if I have 4 in the early years then I can only have 2 in the 5-8 bracket). Continuity of care could be a new sibling, a parent needing emergency cover outside their contracted hours, a parent changing their days/hours or requiring extra days.

Please see attached printout from the statutory framework.

Please feel assured on these occasions when I will exceed the standard ratio that all necessary risk assessments have been made, that I am well equipped and prepared for these occasions such as sufficient car seats, pushchairs, seating, toys etc.

I will only ever exceed ratio to accommodate existing parents needs and never for new business and taking into consideration the age of the children present for manageability.

If you have any concerns please feel free to talk to me about them.

Cot Death Policy

It is my policy to ensure every care is taken to promote the safety and wellbeing of sleeping babies. 

I do this by: 

Checking sleeping children every 10 minutes throughout their entire sleep period.  

The cots, mattresses, and bedding are in accordance with British safety regulations. 

The temperature of the room where babies are sleeping is checked regularly and maintained at around 18 degrees centigrade. 

The window is always open to allow for ventilation.  

Babies are always laid on their backs with their feet at the bottom of the cot, unless otherwise stipulated in writing by parents. My Household is a non-smoking house. 

Action plan in the event of non-responsive baby or suspected cot death 

On discovering the baby: 
I will call for help of any adult nearby. This helper will dial 999 and call for an ambulance immediately. Contact all parents to arrange collection.
Information for the ambulance: 
The address: 39 Gwelmeneth, Albion Road, Helston, Cornwall, TR13 8JH 

Meanwhile I will 
Try to rouse the child by picking them up or by flicking the soles of their feet. 
Place the baby on their back on a table or firm surface 
Ensure their airway is clear, including their nose 
Support the back of their neck, tilt the head backwards and hold their chin upwards 
Open your mouth and breath in 
Seal your lips around the baby’s nose and mouth 
Breathe gently into your baby’s lungs and watch to ensure the chest rises 
Remove your mouth to allow the air to come out, let the baby’s chest fall 
Repeat gentle inflations a little faster than your normal breathing rate, removing your mouth after each breath. 
Repeat the procedure until someone else relieves you. 
If the baby has a fit or convulses 
Lay the baby on their side with their head low and turned to one side, clear their mouth of any sick or froth 
If the baby is hot, cool them down by sponging their head with tepid water 
The space where the baby has slept must not be disturbed, tidied up or cleaned.

Dropping Off

Please let me know in advance if you intend to arrive at a different time from the contracted one. If you arrive unexpectedly early I may not be ready to care for your child. If you are late, I may have to take children to school/pre-school and will not be able to wait for you. Please discuss with me if you need to change your contracted hours.

I will only release your child from my care to adults who have permission to collect him/her. I will therefore need you to provide me with a list of people authorised to collect. If they are not known to me, please provide me with a photograph of them for me to keep on file or ask them to bring identification with them.
In the event of an emergency, we can operate a password system where you can send someone not authorised to collect your child but who is able to give the password. Please discuss this with me if you would like to use this system.

It is important that you arrive at the contracted time to collect your child. Even very young children learn our routine and know when their parents are due. They can become distressed if you are late. I know sometimes delays are unavoidable, especially if you are relying on public transport. If you are delayed, for whatever reason please contact me and let me know when you expect to arrive. I will normally be able to accommodate the additional care, however if I am unable, I will contact other adults from the authorised list and arrange for them to collect your child. I will reassure your child that you are on the way and if necessary organise additional activities and a meal.

If I have not heard from you and you are very late I will try and make contact with you. I will also attempt to contact the emergency numbers provided. If I am unable to make contact with anyone I will inform Social Services and follow their advice.
I reserve the right to make an additional charge for late collection.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

In order to keep the children and myself safe I have developed the following procedure to evacuate my home in the event of an emergency.
This may be as a result of a fire, flooding, gas leak etc.
The children will regularly practice the evacuation procedure with me so they will not be alarmed in the event of the situation being real. Practices will be carried out on different days of the week to ensure all children practice and the details recorded in the evacuation log.

  • Sound the alarm (this is a whistle)
  • Evacuate the children using the safest and nearest exit available (Babies and toddlers will be carried to safety)
  • Take:
    • Register for the day
    • Contact numbers
    • Mobile phone
  • Assemble away from the house, in the parking area (at the end of the garden if leaving via the rear of the house)
  • Contact the emergency services
  • Comfort and reassure the children
  • Arrange a safe place for the children to stay until parents can collect them
  • Follow the instructions of the Emergency Services
  • Do not return to the building until the Emergency Services have declared it safe to do so

Equal Opportunities Policy

I give all children in my care the opportunity to reach their full potential. Sometimes this means adapting an activity to the child's ability and stage of development, providing additional resources or giving one child more attention and support than others during a particular activity or routine.

All children in my care are given the opportunity to play with all the toys (subject to health and safety with children under 3 years of age). No toys are just for girls or just for boys. I try to ensure my toys reflect positive images of children and people from different cultures and with different abilities. I have toys and resources that challenge stereotypical ideas on what careers are open to men and women.

No child in my care will be discriminated against in anyway, whether for their skin colour, culture, gender, ability or religion. I will challenge any remarks that I feel are inappropriate.

I encourage the children in my care to learn more about their own culture and to find out about the culture and religions of other children. We do this in a fun way through sharing books, colouring sheets, cooking and eating food from around the world and celebrating special festivals.

I encourage the children to develop a healthy respect of each other's differences and to value everyone as an individual.

I encourage Parents to share with us any festivals, special occasions or artefacts, which may enhance the children's learning and understanding.

I work in accordance with the Special Educations Needs code of practice which is available at http://www.education.gov.uk/aboutdfe/statutory/g00213170/special-educational-needs-code-of-practice

My inclusive practice is reviewed regularly but if you have any concerns regarding this policy please discuss them with me.

General Data Protection Regulations Policy

On the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation will come into effect and become law which will impact all businesses including the Early Years sector. As childminders we must be complaint with all new legislation that comes into force and we must meet the new requirements. It is a European law and includes the UK; this will remain in place even once we leave the EU.

The GDPR has been brought in to reflect more modern times including the electronic process we use to collect and store data. It is also to give individuals greater control over their own personal data. However it is not just for those who use modern technology, the law affects any business which uses a highly structured filing system –in short any setting who needs to process and store away personal data as part of their responsibilities. Personal data includes any data which can identify a person including but not limited to; names, addresses, invoices, date of birth and email addresses.

GDPR uses two terms, the controller and the processor. The controller determines the purpose and the means of personal data. The processor processes data on behalf of the controller. As childminders we will always be one or both of these.

The GDPR Principles are as follows:

1. Processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.
2. Collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
3. Adequate, relevant and is limited to what is necessary.
4. Accurate and where necessary kept up to date.
5. Retained only for as long as necessary.
6. Processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security.

Lawfulness of Processing Data

1. Consent of the data subject
2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject.
3. Processing is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation.
4. Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject.
5. Processing is necessary in the public interest or the controller has official authority.
6. Processing is necessary for the purposes and legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party.


All consent to collect or store data must be freely given.
It should be unambiguous.
Consent can be withdrawn at any time.
Consent must now be freely given so pre ticked boxes will no longer be used; in short people must now be able to opt in rather than opt out.

As childminders we are already bound by the regulations set by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and pay our yearly fee to ensure all our data is protected by the laws of the country.

Retention Periods

This remains unaffected by the GDPR, and we must continue to store personal data for the specified length of time. We only hold what is absolutely by law required to keep, if we have other information you as the parents have the right to request it or request for it to be destroyed. Retention periods change so please get in touch if you would like to know what the current regulations are regarding retention of personal data. We also must ensure we keep up to date with the latest retention regulations.

Any Data we collect must fall into one of the 6 Lawfulness of Processing Data categories. If it does not we can ask you for explicit consent, which you can withdraw from at any time.
Of course there will be some Acts which we must adhere to over and above GDPR; one example of this is the Children’s Act.

Data Breaches

We will be obligated to notify the ICO of a data breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. We understand the huge fines in place for failing to follow correct procedures for a breach in data.

Please see separate Privacy Notice

Health and Dental Hygiene Policy

Healthy Eating 

I take pride in my healthy food and drink provision. 

Meal times are an important time of the day and we all sit together to eat. Children are supervised constantly when eating. 

I am committed to offering children healthy, nutritious food which meets their individual dietary requirements as advised by their parents.  All food is freshly prepared, using best quality ingredients where possible and presented well.  Portion sizes are realistic and children are never asked to clear plates as I am aware of the risks of over-eating. 

On special occasions food is often used as part of a festival, birthday or celebration and I sometimes offer children food which might not be considered healthy such as cakes for a birthday party. If parents have a concern about this they should let me know.

As part of induction, I ask parents about their child’s dietary needs. I consider likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances, religious and cultural needs when planning menus.  I keep this information regularly updated. If I am told that children need food at times other than my usual meal times or different from my usual menu items to accommodate medical needs, I will make arrangements to support them.

Fresh drinking water is provided in age-appropriate cups on a tray which is accessible for all the children; outside water is provided in a ‘help yourself’ dispenser and the children use open cups or sports bottles depending on preference.

The kitchen is suitable for food preparation and cleaning is robust. I am registered with the local authority as a food provider. I have facilities for sterilising baby bottles and equipment if requested by parents.

I am registered with the Local Authority Environmental Health Department as a food provider and update food hygiene training regularly. I use the guidance ‘Safer Food Better Business for Childminders’ from the Food Standards Agency. 

The guidance ‘Example menus for early years settings in England’ is useful for advice about menu planning and food allergies and I am aware of the EU requirement to be able to inform parents, if asked, about the allergens in their child’s food. 

I am aware of the requirements under the Public Health (Infection Diseases) Regulations 1988 regarding food poisoning and the requirement to inform Ofsted, acting on advice given by the Health Protection Agency. I retain food receipts for the recommended 3 months period and f I have to make a report, the information will be recorded. 

I teach children about healthy eating and drinking as part of the daily routine. Children help to buy, prepare and cook food and enjoy helping in the kitchen. Risk assessments help to keep children safe in the kitchen and when they are cooking.

Dental Health 

I am required by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to support your child to learn about and care for their teeth, gums and oral health. 

We also aim to follow good practice guidelines at all times, for example:

  • I do not offer food or drink containing high levels of sugar.

  • Most food is cooked from fresh and where possible it is made with reduced sugar.

  • I ask children to sit down when drinking and offer water in age appropriate cups to protect their teeth.

  • I provide healthy snacks, drinks (milk and water) and meals – I will provide you with a copy of my menu on induction and periodically if it changes. Pudding is usually something with fruit. 

  • Children get most of their sugar from carbohydrates and I balance their intake through the day, so they have plenty of energy to play.

  • I buy the healthiest food options I can and check labels for sugar content. 

  • Dried fruit is high in sugar and I offer is occasionally at meal times or in low sugar cake.

  • Dummies are known to cause lots of oral health and dental problems so they are only used as a comforter for sleep and removed once your child is settled.

  • I encourage children to chew because this helps them with speech and we offer foods such as vegetable sticks and small pieces of hard fruit, cheese, bread crusts etc. 

  • With older children, I make best use of national and local healthy teeth campaigns to support their understanding of dental and gum health.

  • If you let me know when you make an appointment to go to the dentist with your child, I will talk about it with them here, role playing, story telling and reading books. 

  • If we provide special occasion food for a birthday or special day, it is as healthy and tooth friendly as possible. 

Tooth brushing

There is a national supervised tooth brushing program available from the Department for Education. If you struggle with brushing your child’s teeth at home, please talk to me if you want me to introduce tooth brushing in the setting for your child. 

If you have any concerns about your child’s dental hygiene, please let me know.


If your child has had diarrhoea or vomiting they need to stay home until they are 48 hours clear of symptoms. If your child has had a temperature they need to stay at home for 24 hours after their temperature has returned to normal with no calpol being administered.


Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety of your child is very important to me and I have therefore documented the following procedures that I have in place to support this.

  • All toys will be checked and cleaned regularly to ensure they are safe for your child to use. Any broken or hazardous toys will be removed immediately. Children will only be offered toys and resources that are suitable for their age/stage of development
  • Children are supervised when using resources which may transfer infection such as sand, water and messy play including cooking and play dough.
  • Tissues, handwipes and a lidded bin are provided for the children to use. We teach the children to cough or sneeze into their elbows and we supervise handwashing afterwards.
  • Good handwashing techniques are taught to prevent the spread of infection and cross contamination.
  • Children are taught, in age appropriate ways, about health and safety, germs and viruses etc.
  • I do a quick risk assessment of my home every morning before the children arrive to ensure that it is a safe environment for minded children
  • All equipment will be checked and cleaned regularly. All equipment is fitted with the correct safety harnesses to prevent accidents, for example highchair and pushchairs.
  • I use safety equipment appropriate for the children in my care, for example stair gates, cupboard locks etc. These are checked regularly.
  • I will keep my front door locked with the keys on a hook up high to prevent the children opening the door to strangers.
  • All smoke alarms are checked weekly and replaced immediately if faulty.
  • A fire drill is performed each term and I ensure that each child knows what to do in the case of a fire.
  • Emergency exits are kept clear at all time and a floor plan included with this policy to show the exits.
  • I keep a fire blanket in the kitchen in case of an emergency.
  • I keep my kitchen very clean, following hygiene guidelines on the storing of food, keeping the fridge at the correct temperature etc
  • I ensure that the children do not have access to any waste, the bins are emptied daily.
  • I do not permit smoking or vaping in my home (see separate policy).
  • I follow strict hygiene guidelines to prevent contamination.
  • I have strict Child protection guidelines in place (see separate policy).
  • Children must stay with me when we are away from the home. Younger child will be strapped in a pushchair, older children will either be on a harness or wrist strap, or holding onto my hand/pushchair.
  • I have emergency contact details with me at all times should I need to contact the parents.
  • I will work with you to teach the children about safety issues like crossing the road and stranger danger.
  • I will work with you to teach the children about making healthy food choices and physical exercise.
  • Sleeping children will be regularly monitored and I use a baby monitor as well.
  • I discourage the children from keeping 'secrets’.
  • I will restrain a child if they are putting themselves or others in danger, for example running into a road.

House Rules

I have written a few simple 'House Rules'. They are designed to help us all work and play together happily and safely. I will provide you with a copy of them and they are available for the children to see in my home, both in words and in pictures. I work with the children to ensure that they understand the rules and why I have them. Mostly they are to ensure the safety of all those in the home and to help the children learn to respect each other and others property. They are probably very similar to the 'rules' that you have in your own home.

We all sit at the table (or in our highchair) to eat or drink.
This is to prevent spills and chocking accidents. It also helps to create a social atmosphere in which children can learn good table manners.

We treat the furniture with respect
This is to prevent children from falling off settees and hurting themselves and also to learn to respect others property and to use things for what they were designed.

We look after the toys and play with them appropriately
We learn not to throw toys as this could hurt someone and/or break the toy.

We remove our shoes in the hallway
We don't want to tread mud (or worse) onto the carpets and flooring where the babies crawl and we sit to play

We treat others how we would like to be treated
We learn good manners, please and thank you and are nice to each other. We do not allow any hurting of each other either by physical or verbal means.

We share our toys and activities and help to tidy away when finished with them.
We will not fall over toys and hurt ourselves if we keep the floor tidy.

We are kind to the animals
We treat the animals with respect and kindness and learn to look after them properly.

ICT Policy

The EYFS states: there is a requirement to have a policy relating to mobile phone and camera use in the setting. the requirement has been extended to include 'other electronic devices with imaging and sharing capabilities’ (EYFS, 2024).

Personal mobile phones and recording devices (tablets, cameras, laptops, smart watches etc) might used in the setting to record children’s learning and to share information about children with parents by, for example, sending photos of children playing through email or WhatsApp. Parent details are stored on mobile phones which are taken on outings. I aim to protect information about children and their families which is kept on mobile phones and use appropriate online security.

Visitors are asked to switch off or securely store mobile phones and not use smart watches while in the setting. Visitors will not be left unsupervised with children.

Older children must keep personal mobile phones in their bags which are out of sight and reach of the little ones and they will be taught about how to keep themselves and children safe – for example, being asked not to take photos or videos of childminded children. I discuss online safety with older children and ensure they know they can come to me if they are concerned.

To comply with my registration with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) I:

  • Obtain parents’ consent for photographs to be taken, printed or published.
  • Ensure children are appropriately dressed in photos.
  • Only use the child’s first name with a photograph.
  • Ensure 'acceptable use’ guidance is embedded in practice.
  • Ensure the use of cameras including any electronic devices that might be used for imaging and sharing are closely monitored and open to scrutiny.

If you have any questions about this policy or would like to make any comments,
please ask.

The care of your child is paramount and I will always try to ensure that they remain with me and are safe.

However sometimes children can become 'lost’ in busy places and therefore as a responsible childminder I have written a procedure that will be followed in the unlikely event of this happening.

  • I will immediately raise the alarm to all around me that I have lost a child and enlist the help of everyone to look for them
  • If it is a secure area such as a supermarket, I will quickly alert the security staff so they can seal off exits and monitor the situation on any CCTV
  • I will provide everyone involved in the search with a description of the child.
  • I will reassure the other children with me, as they may be distressed
  • I will then alert the police and provide a full description
  • I will then alert the parents of the situation
  • I will inform Ofsted within 14 days

I take precautions to avoid situations like this happening by implementing the following measures:

  • Ensuring the children hold my hand or the pushchair whilst we are out
  • Avoid going to places that are overcrowded
  • I teach the children about the dangers of wandering off and of talking to strangers
  • All outings will be risk assessed to ensure they are safe and suitable
  • I will gain written permission from parent/carers before going on outings

Managing Behaviour Policy

Promoting positive behaviour is very important and I do this by:

  • Giving lots of praise for good behaviour
  • Giving the children individual attention so they feel valued
  • Setting a good example, being a good role model
  • Listening to what the children have to say
  • Rewarding good behaviour (choosing next activity etc)
  • Giving children certificates for good behaviour, sharing etc.

I help the children understand my house rules, which are realistic and I am consistent in the enforcing of them. I do not give out confusing signals, Saying No means No!

I am aware of the different reasons why children misbehave and will endeavour to keep to routines so that your child feels safe and is not over tired or hungry.

However all children will misbehave at sometime. I have developed several different strategies on how to deal with a child misbehaving and use different ones depending on the age/stage of ability of the child and the situation:

  • Distraction. Remove the child from the situation and give them an alternative activity.
  • Ignore. Depending on the situation I may ignore the bad behaviour as I feel it is being done to get a reaction.
  • Discuss with Child. If the child is able to understand I will discuss their behaviour and try and get them to appreciate the consequences of their actions on others. I inform them that it is their behaviour that I do not like not them.
  • Time Out. Removing the child from the activity and sitting them quietly for a few minutes
  • Removal of treats.

I will never smack, shake or hurt your child. I will not humiliate your child.

If a child misbehaves I will let you know by either by telling you when you pick them up or by ringing you later after collection. I will also inform you of how the matter was dealt with. In most cases the matter will not require any further action, punishing a child hours after an incident achieves nothing but confusion and upset.

If you have any concerns regarding the managing of your child's behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is important that we work together on managing behaviour in order not to confuse your child.

Medicine and Health Policy

I am happy to give your child non-prescribed medication, such as cough mixture, Calpol or nurofen, teething gel etc, but only if you have signed a parental permission form for me to do so.

This permission form will be regularly reviewed to ensure that there are no changes, for example a child may no longer be able to take some medication or may need an additional form.

It is vital that you inform me of any medication you may have given your child before they arrive into my care. I need to know what medicine they have had, the dose and time given.

I will ensure that all medication given to me will be stored correctly, out of children's reach and I will check that it is still within its expiry date,

If your child has a self-held medication please obtain an additional one for me to be kept at my home. Older children can easily forget to bring home an inhaler. What could be a simple puff of ventalin then turns into a major incident and a trip to the hospital. If your child has acute allergies and carries/needs an epipen, please discuss the matter with me. I may need additional training to administer these forms of medication.

If your child needs to take medication prescribed by a doctor, please discuss this with me. I will need you to sign an additional permission form. In some cases a child on antibiotics may be asked not to attend for 2-3 days in case they react to the medication and to prevent the spread of an infection to others.

All medicine given to me to administer must be in its original bottle/container and not decanted. It must have the manufacturers guidelines on it and if a prescription medication the details from the Doctor/pharmacy.

I will record all medication administered in my book and request a parental signature at the end of each day.

If you have any concerns regarding medication please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.

When the child starts at the setting I will ask for any information regarding pre-existing medical conditions and I may need extra training on how to deal with them. I ask you to keep me updated regularly about any changes to the child's health.

I will also need to know about any dietary requirement and allergies children may have, so I can ensure the children are not exposed to anything that may cause them harm.

If two or more children in the setting are affected with food poisoning Ofsted will be informed within fourteen days.

No Smoking or Vaping Policy

In accordance with the National Standards produced by the Department for Education and Skills I have a no smoking/vaping policy in my home.

No one is permitted to smoke or vape in my home or in the garden.

I will not take the children into smoky environments and will avoid places that permit smoking/vaping wherever possible.

Other Adults in the House Policy

As well as myself there is also my husband in the house. His name is Owen Mates.

Both of us have undergone Disclosing and Baring Service checks and received clearances. My husband is very supportive of my chosen career as a Childminder and will assist me in any way he can. If he is at home when I am minding he interacts well with the children and is a good role model.
I encourage him to join in with the activities and the children respond well to him.

Although he has been thoroughly checked to be suitable to be near young children, I would like to reassure you that at no time is anyone, other than myself, allowed to help the children with their intimate care, i.e. nappy changing and toileting. This is to protect your child and to protect my family from any possible allegations of abuse.


This Privacy Notice is written by Lauren Mates, owner of Play Mates Childminding, 39 Gwelmeneth, Albion Road, Helston, Cornwall, TR13 8JH, 07742916075.
As a Childminder I am required to keep personal data for each child as set out by the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is for both contractual reasons and also for Emergency reasons. I am required to inform you of how I both process and store personal data in my setting.

The Information I Collect

In my setting I am mainly paper based and all records are stored securely within my home in a filing system. I do use a Facebook group for advertising relating to my setting, and I use emails for invoices, policies and permissions. As childminders no unauthorised people have access to these records and any visitors to my setting sign in and will never be left alone with any confidential information. Please refer to my policies for further information.

How I Use Your Data

Sometimes I may need to share information with other settings to ensure your child is getting the best possible and consistent care. However permission is sought for this. Major safeguarding concerns will be the only occasion I may need to share information without permission. Please see my safeguarding policy for further information. Mostly I use the data to enter into a legally binding contract with each family, and also to use in the event of an emergency.

I am covered by the ICO for using my mobile phone to make contact with you and to store your numbers and also to take photos of your child. Photos are printing out for learning journeys and deleted as soon as possible.

Once a child leaves my setting the only data I will keep will be the ones required by law, please see my GDPR Policy. You will take some data away with you and anything else non statutory can be destroyed at your request.

As a childminder I must adhere to the Lawfulness of Processing Data, in short any data I need from you must fall into one of the following categories.

1. Consent of the data subject
2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject.
3. Processing is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation.
4. Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject.
5. Processing is necessary in the public interest or the controller has official authority.
6. Processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party.

The data I am required by law to hold for each child is as follows:

Child’s Name
Child’s DOB
Child’s Address and Contact Details
Parent Addresses (if different) and Contact Details including phone number
Parental Responsibility
Legal contact
Emergency Contact Details (2 people not including parents)
Allergies / dietary requirements information
Any other special requirements / needs /medical history details
Names of people who can collect your child if not yourselves
Dr Name and address, and contact number

As such the above can be collected in compliance with the principles above; I need this data to put a contract together to make it legally binding, and to abide by my OFSTED registration requirements. Therefore the data will be necessary under Points 3 and 4 at the very least.


Your information held here is secure and held only by myself unless I am required to share with a third party such as another childcare setting, health visitor, safeguarding complaint, or Drs in the event of an emergency. Please refer to my policies and permissions for further information.

Retention of Data

When you leave my setting you are entitled to take all data relating to your child’s progress. I am required by law to hold onto some data for a long period of time so I cannot destroy these or pass them over to you. Please ask if you would like further information on the retention timescales. You have the right to request any additional data I may hold is either handed over to you or destroyed at your request.

Special Category Data

Special Category Data in the Early Years sector includes:

. Race
. Ethnic Origin
. Religious or philosophical Beliefs

I can no longer process the 3 categories of data listed above unless explicit consent is given. You must be able to opt in to these questions by signing below each category. Please circle if you give or do not give permission in each instance. Please understand you can withdraw consent for me to hold this information at any time.

I give/ do not give permission for Lauren Mates to record race

________________________________________ Parent Signature

________________________________________ Date

I give/ do not give permission for Lauren Mates to record ethnic origin

_________________________________________ Parent Signature

_________________________________________ Date

I give/ do not give permission for Lauren Mates to record religious or philosophical beliefs.
____________________________________________ Parent Signature

____________________________________________ Date

Your Rights

. Right to access
. Right to rectification
. Right to erasure
. Right to restriction of processing
. Right to objection
. Right to data portability
. Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

Pet Policy

I believe that children can learn a lot from having contact with animals, however certain procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of the children;

  • Children must be encouraged to treat all animals with respect, learning how to handle them correctly.

  • Children must wash their hands after any contact with animals and understand the reasoning behind this.

  • Children must be taught that not all animals are child friendly and that they should always check with the animal’s owner before attempting to stroke or handle them.

  • Food for the pet must be stored safely away from the children's reach

  • A high standard of hygiene must be followed, with careful thought given to the placing of the feeding and drink bowls of dogs and cats.

  • The garden must be checked every morning, before the children are permitted outside to play, to ensure that no animal has fouled it.

Physical Contact Policy

As an Ofsted registered Childminder I am very aware that each child has differing needs. Some children like to be affectionate and show it through hugs, kisses etc others are not so tactile. I am happy to hug, kiss (head or cheek) hold hands, cuddle and tickle your child providing both you and your child are happy with this. I would never force a child to do any of the above if it made them feel uncomfortable.

I will restrain a child only if they are at risk of inflicting harm on themselves or others. I will separate children if they are fighting. I will restrain a child if they try and run into the road etc. If I do need to restrain your child I will document it in my incident book and ask you to sign and date the record. This is to protect all parties.

I will also need to have some physical contact with your child in order to ensure hygiene routines are carried out. For example the washing of hands, faces and teeth and the wiping of noses. I am happy to assist with toileting according to the age and stage of ability of the child and to change nappies if required. If necessary I will change a child’s clothes if they have had an accident.

If you have any concerns or wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate to let me know.

Safe and Hygienic Premises Policy

I will always ensure that every aspect of my premises is a safe, secure and clean environment for everyone.

I have public liability insurance (certificate displayed in the hall) which is renewed every year. I also have up to date buildings and contents insurance.

All visitors to the premises if not known to me will have their ID checked and will never be left on their own. The front door is kept locked at all times and only unlocked by myself for visitors. I will only release a child to an authorised adult.

All bedding, towels and washcloths used by the children will be kept personal to that child throughout the day and put in the wash once they have left for the day.

The sleeping and changing areas used are suitable for each individual child’s needs and will be kept clean and hygienic.

The children will have daily access to outdoor activities. This will include playing in the garden which is safe and secure. I will also arrange a variety of outings, all of which I seek parental permission for and will safety check beforehand.

The premises will be thoroughly checked at the beginning of the day, this will include checking for: any damage or breakages, any gaps in the garden fence and gate and any broken toys.

Every resource used will have a risk assessment carried out to ensure it is appropriate and safe to use. These risk assessments will be check regularly.

All resources will also be cleaned on a regular basis.


This policy demonstrates my commitment to child protection and compliance with underpinning safeguarding legislation. The main pieces of legislation and guidance underpinning this policy include:


·       The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2024).

·       The Childcare Register.

·       Working Together to Safeguard Children.

·       What to do if you are worried a Child is Being Abused.

·       Ofsted’s guidance to inspecting safeguarding in the early years.

·       Information sharing.

·       Keeping children safe in education.

·       Prevent Duty guidance for England and Wales.

·       The Equality Act 2010.

·       Disqualification under the Childcare Act.

·       General Data Protection Regulation and UK data protection legislation.

·       United Nations Right of the Child.

Further legislation and non-statutory safeguarding and child protection guidance may also be accessed.


Definitions of safeguarding/child protection.


Safeguarding means protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of children at risk, enabling them to live safely, free from abuse and neglect.


Child Protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.


Safeguarding/Child Protection statement


EYFS requirement 3.2 states: ‘Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well’. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone is contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding. My role as a childminder is to comply with the statutory requirements in the early years foundation stage (EYFS 2024) and the childcare registers and to protect the children in my care. Some of the ways I fulfil this responsibility are to keep this policy updated, stay up-to-date with changes to child protection threats and complete regular safeguarding training. I work closely with the Local Authority Safeguarding partners and follow their advice in relation to child protection and safeguarding concerns. I am to ensure that all children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity are treated with equal respect and have equal rights to protection.


Thresholds of need

I have linked the thresholds of need from my Local Safeguarding Partners to this policy https://cornwallchservices.proceduresonline.com/chapters/p_threshold.html If a child lives in a different Local Authority, I will retain reporting information for and follow the procedures provided by that Local Authority.


Signs and symptoms of abuse

I am aware of the four main types of abuse – physical, emotional, neglect and sexual. I have linked the latest information about the four types of abuse, defined in the statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children ’Working together to safeguard children 2023: statutory guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk) I have also included a link to the NSPCC which may be useful https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/spotting-signs-child-abuse/


Ofsted reporting requirements 

I have attached a link to the reporting guidelines from the Ofsted document ‘Early Years Providers: non-compliance action’ to this policy. I am aware of the requirement to report changes to Ofsted in relation to disqualification (all providers) and disqualification by association (childminders only).



Action to be taken if there is a safeguarding concern about a child. 

Children need to feel secure in a safe environment. I am alert to the safeguarding concerns in the setting or at home. For example, I will record if a child arrived at the setting with injuries and notify the Local Authority Safeguarding Partners if the injuries are unexplained; I am aware that marks on a non-mobile baby or child are unlikely to be accidental and must be reported; I recognise the risks to children from sexual abuse such as female genital mutilation which is illegal and must be reported to the police (non-emergency number). I will document all accidents and incidents that happen whilst a child is in my care.

If I suspect there is a child protection issue, I will take appropriate steps to support the child and record concerns, following advice from my Local Authority, using appropriate documentation when required. Concerns will be reported immediately to the Safeguarding Children’s Partners.


Action to be taken if a child makes a safeguarding disclosure.

If a child makes a disclosure related to safeguarding, I will record exactly what was said and report the disclosure to parents and, if relevant, to the relevant agency.

I recognise that where a child’s behaviour changes suddenly or over a period of time and/or a child displays behaviour that worries me, this might be a sign of possible abuse or trauma.

I have received training on how to receive a child’s disclosure. I would normally speak to the parents about disclosures – however, I must not speak to the parents if I think the discussion might make home life worse for the child or if the disclosure related to suspected sexual abuse, induced/fabricated illness or FGM.

Any allegation of historical abuse would be responded to in the same way as any other concern.

I recognise that children and young people are capable of abusing their peers and the situations relating to peer on peer abuse. I want all children to feel safe here and as part of my commitment to keep them safe, I regularly observe children’s interactions and aim to be approachable so they will speak to me about any aspect of their relationship with others. Parents can contact me at any mutual convenient time to discuss concerns children might raise at home. 


Action to be taken if a safeguarding allegation is made against me or a family member. 

If a child or parent makes an allegation against me, my family or visitors in the setting, their comments will be recorded and a report will be made to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who will take over the investigation. Ofsted and other agencies will also be informed and may conduct their own investigation.

Anybody who lives in the premises will have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check carried out to ensure they are suitable and fit to care for young children. Details of all DBS checks including issue date, numbers, date completed and by what company are available upon request. The suitability of people living on the premises will be on going and Ofsted will be informed of any change of circumstances. 

During working hours no member of the household will be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any medication that may affect their work. Any medications will be stored securely and out of children’s reach.

No visitors will be left alone with any of the children, their presence will be noted in my diary with times they arrived and left, ID will also be checked.


Mobile phone and camera policy

I have a strict policy regarding the use of mobile phones, cameras and video equipment whilst children are in my care. Please see my ICT policy for details.

I am aware that safeguarding legislation has made upskirting (taking photos up skirts) a reportable offence.


Supporting vulnerable children

I am aware that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are especially vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Where appropriate, I aim to work closely with parents and other agencies/professionals involved in the child’s care.



This is taken to mean the reporting of malpractice, including illegal activity or negligence. Whistleblowing can involve sharing potentially vital information about health and safety risks, environmental factors, harm of children, or

covering up for someone. In my role I have a duty to report any unacceptable behaviour by other childminders, other professionals working with children.

This action will be necessary when the behaviour witnessed is detrimental to children, or has placed children at risk, i.e. Health and Safety or has caused actual harm to the child, or the behaviour is illegal. I will notify Ofsted and the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership / police immediately.


Attendance monitoring and non-collection 

While attendance in early years settings is not statutory, I encourage regular attendance to ensure children gain the most benefit from their time here. If a child was expected and not brought by parents, I must consider the absence may be linked to safeguarding reasons – for example, a parent has had an accident or died at home, or a child has an injury which parents are hiding from me. The requirement to monitor children’s attendance is also linked to FGM and Prevent Duty.

If a child is absent from the setting and I have not had any contact with the parents to explain the absence then I will contact the emergency contacts, if I have no success I will contact the school if they or a sibling attends. If I still do not get a reasonable response then I will call the police.

If a child is not collected from the setting by their parent or carer at the pre-arranged time, we shall wait a reasonable length of time before calling the parent or carer. If they are unavailable we shall call the emergency contacts on their registration forms. If we are unable to contact either of these people we shall wait two hours before calling the local Safeguarding Children Partnership and Ofsted will be informed within 14 days.



Prevent Duty 

I am aware of the risk of children being radicalised or exposed to extremism in their family or online. I note the duty was updated in 2023 and the scope of the legislation was broadened – also see mobile phone and camera policy. If I am concerned a child is being radicalised or exposed to extremism, I will raise it with the relevant agency within the Local Authority Safeguarding Partners.

To comply with the Prevent Duty requirements, I am required to actively promote British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance and share information with parents.


Online safety

There are many benefits to children using technology in the setting. However, the internet can be a dangerous place. I aim to keep children safe online by monitoring online use and encouraging children to be open about what they are doing online. Children are taught how to stay safe online in age appropriate ways and any computers, tablets or other internet accessible resources are secure. Information about online safety is shared with parents. I am aware of the latest cyber-crime guidance in the EYFS.


Record keeping and ICO registration

The Local Authority requires me to pass safeguarding/child protection records on to the next setting and complete a record transfer letter. Until this time, records (paper and online) are stored as securely as possible and confidentially. I have a clear desk policy when there are visitors in the setting. I am registered with the Information Commissioner Office which is renewed annually. 


Partnership working

Data protection legislation is not a barrier to information sharing in a safeguarding/child protection context. I aim to work in partnership with other agencies and/or professionals to ensure procedures are suitable to identify, assess and support children. 


Sharing this policy with parents 

Parents are partners in the setting and the policy is shared to help them understand my obligations regarding child protection and safeguarding. External sources of guidance are also signposted for parents and I am available in the setting to answer parent questions.

This policy must be provided in writing and shared with parents to comply with the Childcare Register requirements. An Ofsted parents poster is displayed in the setting (above the children’s pegs) to share Ofsted contact details.

If you have any concerns regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact me.


Useful contacts:

Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) 0300 123 1116

Social Care Out of hours 01208 251300

NSPCC Child Protection Line 0808 800 5000

South West Child Protection Procedure www.swcpp.org.uk

Social Services 0300 123101

Local Authority Designated Officer 01872 326536

Ofsted 0300 123 1231

Police 999


Television Policy

I limit the time children in my care are permitted to watch television.
The watching of television programmes and DVDs is normally restricted to:
A short session after lunch to provide the children with a quiet time to rest and allow their dinner to go down
A short session after the school pick up to give the older children an opportunity to recharge their batteries and enjoy a healthy snack

If a child is feeling a little off colour and needing more rest then it may be appropriate for them to watch more television that day.

I ensure that any programmes watched are suitable for all the children in my care. If your child wants to bring a DVD to watch at my house please check with me first as it must be appropriate viewing for the younger children.

Recent research has shown that excessive watching of TV can actually cause problems for some children. It can affect their social and communication skills, as there is no interaction. Television is very fast and children get used to this pace of entertainment, this can then result in them becoming bored and frustrated at the slower pace of school teaching.

Transporting Children in a Car Policy

The safety of your child is paramount and I have therefore put together the following procedures regarding the transportation of children in my car.

I have a full, clean driving license, which is available for you to see on request

I will ensure my car is in road worthy condition by having it regularly serviced by a reputable garage

I will ensure it complies with all legislation, MOT, Car Tax etc

I will ensure it is covered by Business Use, Car Insurance and the Certificate is available for you to see

I will avoid where possible taking your child to a petrol station, by filling up my car before or after my minded hours

I will ensure all car seats are correctly fitted, age and stage appropriate for the children using them and that they are correctly strapped into them

I will ensure that the child safety locks are in use on my car

I will always carry a mobile telephone with me in case of an emergency but will not answer it whilst driving. I will return calls on my return

I will always carry identification for me and the minded children in case of an emergency

I will always carry a First Aid kit in the car in case of an emergency

I will never leave a child unattended in a car.

I will teach your child about the dangers of cars and roads, in an age appropriate way.

I will advise you in advance if we are making any special trips or long trips in the car.

If your child suffers from travel sickness please let me know immediately.

If you have any concerns regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact me.

Video Door Camera Policy

As of the 20th January 2025 a camera has been fitted to the front door and gate. They capture a video image when motion is detected. This can be viewed via a mobile app on my phone only.

The purpose of the cameras is mainly to alert me to visitors and deliveries.

Videos will be reviewed weekly and deleted.

I am registered with the ICO as a Data Controller and will follow all current guidance and legislation.

Working in Partnership with others

I am committed to developing strong relationships with other professionals and agencies involved in children’s lives, to support their learning and development and to promote safeguarding and child protection.

Working with others - EYFS requirement 3.67 – Providers must enable a regular two-way flow of information between providers, if a child is attending more than one setting.

I inform parents about the requirement in the EYFS to liaise with other settings and professionals who might be involved in their child’s care and, as appropriate, I will –

  • Approach other settings / professionals to find out if and how they are prepared to work with me eg meetings, letters, telephone conversations, emails etc;

  • Provide other settings / professionals with details about the main themes, activities and celebrations children are involved with when they are with us;

  • Request meetings to discuss the child’s achievements and progress including sharing Learning Journeys;

  • Talk to children and their key person about what they enjoy doing at the other setting;

  • Complete information for other professionals or agencies on request;

  • Take an active interest in what the child does at the other setting and use the information to complement their learning and development experience.

The kind of information I might share includes –

  • The name and date of birth of a child;

  • Behaviour concerns which are occurring across settings;

  • Emergency information which will be shared with my emergency care childminder;

  • Health or allergy information to keep the child safe;

  • The child’s learning and development information to support their progress and ensure activities and routines offered complement each other across settings;

  • Information given to the Police, Local Safeguarding Children Board, Health Visitors, Doctors, Social Care etc in an emergency;

Working in Partnership with Parents Policy

It is very important for your child that we work in partnership. This will give your child continuity of care and she/he will not become confused with different standards of behaviour and boundaries.

As Parents you are the central adults in your child's life and the ones making decisions on their behalf. I will endeavour to work closely with you in order to carry out your wishes for your child wherever I can. It is therefore important that we have an excellent communication system. I appreciate that as a working Parent you will be in a rush to go to work in the mornings and in the evenings you may well be tired and need to go as quickly as possible, so I like to use a Parent/Childminder contact sheet for daily communications. I will complete a page each day that will include what your child has eaten, naps, activities, milestones achieved etc. I would request that you use one of these sheets to note down if your child has had a disturb sleep, is not feeling well or any other piece of information that may help me to provide him/her with the best care I can. I am always happy to discuss your child and their care with you at any time that is convenient to us both, whether in person or over the phone.

I would also appreciate it if you could inform me if there are any changes to contact numbers for yourselves, including work and mobile numbers and those of your emergency contacts.

As your child grows and develops issues will crop up that are very important for us to discuss in order that we can work together and your wishes be incorporated into my care routine for your child. These could include weaning, potting training, managing behaviour, starting (pre-)school etc.

If you wish me to incorporate a special activity into my routine, perhaps a festival or religious holiday that you celebrate please let me know.

If I have any concerns about your child's behaviour, development, eating etc I will share them with you and if necessary work with you to seek support from outside agencies.

If you have any concerns or issues regarding the care I am providing for your child please do let me know. Often a concern is a simple misunderstanding that can easily be resolved, un-aired it can fester and become a major issue.

I am very much looking forward to working in partnership with you to care for your child.